Warfarin Genotyping Cuts Hospital Admissions

Dr. Thomas Moyer discusses how physicians can use warfarin sensitivity testing as a tool to more accurately predict a best warfarin dose for patients. Warfarin sensitivity varies greatly.

Dr. Moyer discusses research presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 59th annual scientific session that shows this genetic test also significantly reduces the number of hospitalizations during the critical start-up phase when dosing is typically adjusted by trial and error.


  1. Paul Strom
    Posted July 26, 2010 at 11:45 pm | Permalink

    Which warfarin blood test is best? – finger prick or drawing a vial of blood. Any difference in accuracy?

    • Carol Lammers
      Posted August 5, 2010 at 12:14 pm | Permalink

      The test is performed on DNA extracted from white cells. Therefore, venipuncture to collect a whole blood sample is required. A finger stick does not yield sufficient blood volume to perform the test. — Thomas Moyer, M.D.

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